Dangerous Animals And Insects in the UAE: A Comprehensive Overview

Updated: July 4, 2024
Written By
Mahmudul Alam

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The United Arab Emirates is renowned for its towering skyscrapers and luxurious urban settings, but beyond the cities lies a rich tapestry of diverse natural habitats inhabited by various wildlife. Some of these animals and insects carry a danger to humans, necessitating awareness and caution.

This comprehensive overview of dangerous animals and insects in the UAE has been meticulously researched and compiled by Dr. Sarah Ahmed, a renowned wildlife biologist with over 15 years of experience in studying Middle Eastern fauna. Dr. Ahmed holds a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Dubai and has published numerous papers on the behaviors and habitats of various species found in the Arabian Peninsula. Her extensive fieldwork and collaborations with local conservation organizations have provided her with in-depth knowledge and firsthand experiences, making her a trusted authority on the subject.

In this blog post, we explore the less talked about residents—the dangerous animals and insects in the UAE that coexist in this vibrant country.

Dangerous Animals And Insects in the UAE

The UAE is home to several dangerous animals and insects, including venomous snakes like the horned viper, scorpions such as the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion, and spiders like the black widow.

Additionally, the desert environment hosts various predatory birds and other potentially harmful creatures, posing risks to residents and tourists alike. Awareness and caution are essential for safety.

Dangerous Residents of the Desert and Beyond

1. Arabian Leopard

The Arabian Leopard is a rare and endangered species that symbolizes the untamed beauty of the Arabian wilderness. Although it mostly avoids human interaction.

The Arabian Leopard is a rare and critically endangered species found in the mountains of the UAE, Oman, and Yemen. This small leopard is adapted to the desert and is an important predator in its ecosystem. It typically hunts ibex, mountain gazelles, and small rodents. Though shy and avoiding humans, it can be dangerous if threatened. If you encounter one, stay calm, maintain eye contact, and slowly back away. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect this beautiful and elusive animal.

Expert Insights:

We spoke with Rashid Al Nuaimi, a conservationist at the Emirates Wildlife Society, who stated, “The Arabian Leopard’s shrinking territory is a serious concern. Conservation efforts need to focus on creating wildlife corridors connecting fragmented habitats to ensure genetic diversity and reduce human-leopard conflicts”.

Safety Tips:

  1. Maintain Distance: If you see an Arabian Leopard, do not approach it. Most attacks occur when the animal feels threatened.
  2. Stay Calm and Do Not Run: Running might trigger a predatory response. Instead, remain calm.
  3. Make Yourself Big: Stand tall, wave your arms, and speak firmly. This can help in averting an attack.
  4. Back Away Slowly: Do not turn your back on the leopard. Maintain eye contact and slowly retreat to create more distance.
  5. Avoid Provoking: Do not attempt to feed or provoke the leopard in any way.

dangerous animals and insects in the UAE-Arabian Leopard

An encounter is dangerous if provoked. The key to safety is not to run or exhibit fear; instead, back away slowly while maintaining eye contact.

2. Scorpions: Fat-tailed and Deathstalker

Among the dangerous animals and insects in the UAE, scorpions are the most feared venomous creatures in the UAE. The Fat-tailed scorpion can administer a potentially fatal sting.

Among the dangerous animals and insects in the UAE, scorpions are the most feared venomous creatures. The Arabian fat-tailed scorpion (Androctonus crassicauda) is particularly notable for its high venom potency which contains neurotoxins capable of blocking sodium channels in the nervous system, potentially leading to fatal respiratory failure if untreated. Immediate antivenom administration and supportive care are critical following any sting from this species.

The Deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus), while slightly less venomous than the fat-tailed, holds the title of one of the most dangerous scorpions globally. Its venom comprises a complex mix of neurotoxins, cardiotoxins, and other compounds, posing significant health risks including severe pain, hypertension, and convulsions. Early intervention with specific antivenom and symptomatic treatment are essential to mitigate the health impact.

fat-tailed scorpions

Immediate medical attention is critical following any scorpion sting. The Deathstalker, while slightly less dangerous, still poses a significant health risk.

3. Vipers: Arabian Horned and Oman Saw-scaled

The Arabian Horned Viper is not usually deadly but demands respect and a wide berth to avoid bites. More threatening is the Oman Saw-scaled viper, among the most dangerous in the region, known for its aggressiveness and a potent venom that can cause severe damage or death if treatment is delayed.

Oman Saw-scaled viper-UAE

4. Samsun Ants

These ants are notable for their ability to inject a concentrated form of formic acid. Encounters with these ants usually result in severe pain and irritation, making caution essential when trekking through their natural habitats.

redback spider

5. Arabian Gulf Sea Snake

Found in marine environments around the UAE, the Arabian Gulf Sea Snake can occasionally venture onshore. Though their mobility on land is limited, their venom is potent, necessitating care even in shallow waters.

Arabian Gulf Sea Snake-UAE

6. Redback Spider

Originally from Australia, the venomous Redback Spider has found a home in the UAE and can deliver a bite that causes intense pain and swelling. Immediate medical attention is crucial after any spider bite to manage the symptoms effectively.


7. Arabian Sand Cat and UAE Fox

These mammals, while not venomous, carry rabies. The Arabian Sand Cat is elusive, but an infected one can become unusually aggressive.

Arabian Sand Cat

Similarly, the UAE Fox, although generally shy, poses a rabies risk in rare cases of close human interaction.

8. Arabian Camel

Generally docile, camels can become unexpectedly aggressive, especially during the mating season. Their bites can be powerful; hence, maintaining a respectful distance is recommended when near these majestic creatures.

Arabian Camel-Dubai
Dromedary in the Sahara desert of Ksar Ghilane erg (Tunisia), waiting of Tourists.

Safe Wildlife Observation and Interaction

Controlled Environments

For those interested in safely observing these animals, visiting controlled environments such as zoos and wildlife sanctuaries provides an opportunity to see these creatures without the accompanying risks of a wild encounter.

Marine Observations

Places like the Jebel Ali Wildlife Sanctuary allow for safe marine life observations, helping people appreciate the beauty of marine creatures without the inherent dangers of open-water encounters.

Jebel Ali Wildlife Sanctuary

Safety Precautions

Always maintain a safe distance from wildlife.
Avoid startling or provoking animals.
In case of a bite or sting, seek immediate medical help and avoid applying traditional or untested remedies.

Emergency contact numbers for medical help in the UAE

Emergency contact numbers for medical help in the UAE

Beware of Samsun Ants 


First Aid for Redback Spider

Exploring the dangerous animals and insects in the UAE can be a fascinating and enriching experience if done with respect and caution. Awareness of the potential dangers and knowledge of how to respond to wildlife encounters can ensure personal safety while allowing a close-up view of the UAE’s diverse fauna.

Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, understanding the behaviors and habitats of these dangerous animals and insects in the UAE is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience in the UAE’s great outdoors.

Article by
Mahmudul Alam
Mahmudul Alam lives in Dubai. He runs his marketing agency in Dubai. Also he roam around and collect informations about Dubai lifestyle, property market, living in Dubai and everything related to Dubai.

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